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header product water service

Silent Check Valves


Silent Check Valves

  1. Advanced dynamic design of single body with diffuser provides streamline flow and assures lower head loss.
  2. Minimize the head loss to 0.016Bar upon 2M/ sec flow rate.
  3. Brass or reinforced bearing reduce wearing problem during operation.
  4. Hydrodynamic design ensures non slamming and water hammerless.
  5. Stainless steel spring hidden in the diffuser under protection while valve in operation.
  6. Disc will positively close before reverse flow, and maximize the closing speed up to 0.2 Sec.
  7. Comply with EN 558-1, ISO 5752 and EN 1092-2, ISO 7005-2 flange dimension.


Product Information
Model : NSCV
Size: : DN 50-900mm
Pressure Ratings : PN10, PN16
Temperature : -10°C to 80°C
Medium : Clean Water


Technical Data Download

PDF icon resized File Name: AFC_Silent_Check_Valves_V5.pdf